Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Confused ...

Suggestion before reading: Dont take it seriously :)
Recently, in fact from the day software concept emerged, virus is very talked subject. It is said that only very intellegent people can write invincible viruses. Inquisitiveness in me (that is not frequent..) forces me to learn about the viruses. So I decides to study the facts about that.. that too in systematic manner (successful people describe this as one of secret of there success.. so why should not I try the way :)) . I prepared a questionnaire to study virus..
Q. What is it?
Virus: A program that runs by itself and has ability to multiply himself.
Q. Who has created it?
Virus: An intelligent creature (we call it as human).
Q. What is his desired purpose?
Virus: Destroy the host. (Jir thali mein khao , usi mein chhed karo...)
Q. What does it do actually?
Virus: They live simultaneously with other programs and by their behavior they harm the program feeding them.
Q. How does they survive and maintain there presence?
Virus: They multiply themselves when favorable conditions are. They try to find newer and newer hosts so that they can make their broad presence and make their culprit originator happy.
Q. Any positive work do they do to help the host?
Virus: Nil

That day when I went to eye surgeon for checkup, he explained me lot about eyes. Eyes are like machines that need input like vitamins to work and frequent servicing... We are a machine made up of small components(Oops concept..) That strikes me, are we really machines?.. I thought, why can't I apply the above questionnaire to us and check.
Q. What is it?
Human: A living thing that runs by itself and has ability to multiply himself.
Q. Who has created it?
Human: An intelligent creature (we call it as God).
Q. What is his desired purpose?
Human: Not known.
Q. What does it do actually?
Human: They live simultaneously with other animals and by their behavior they harm the ecosystem (a program ..) that is feeding them.
Q. How does they survive and maintain their presence?
Human: They reproduce themselves when favorable conditions are. They try to find newer and newer hosts (quest for newer Planets where we can spread our nuisance..) so that they can make their broad presence and make their culprit(Not known actually..) originator happy.
Q. Any positive work do they do to help the host?
Human: Nil
Are we machines made up for bad purpose in the ecosystem.. Big Question... No answer ...:(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Analogy ! The title should be "Clear" and no "Confused" !! But why sad end :( ???


December 22, 2004 at 7:12 AM  
Blogger Risha said...

Good one Prashant!!!
Just started reading your blogs, your write well !!!


December 23, 2004 at 2:14 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Reshma.. Need ur comments to improve my writing.. :)

December 28, 2004 at 5:47 AM  
Blogger ams said...

Hey... have u heard of a 'Generic Virus'?
:) I know one of them, lemme know if u need an appointment!

December 31, 2004 at 8:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

were confused
take a self help test
solar sprectrum
matador(its spanish)
qin ni pi gu (its chinese)

November 21, 2005 at 11:47 AM  

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